Friday, January 10, 2014

How to make milk kefir

Kefir is a probiotic drink. It came into my life about a year ago, and without a second thought, I chose to include it in my daily diet. Kefir is a very pleasant and healthy drink , as well as the basis for many of my recipes!
Countless of articles have been written on the properties and benefits of kefir. In this post I will try to show how we can use this miracle fungus, in the best possible way.
The kefir seeds usually arrives in our hands, inside a jar filled with milk. Otherwise we could very easily obtain dried kefir seeds  from stores with health food products.

To begin the production of kefir, you will necessarily need:
- A sterilized big glass jar with a wide mouth, which closes airtight
- A strainer
- A bowl
- A spoon or a marisa
- Milk of your choice

1. Strain the kefir seeds from the milk, stirring gently. 
2. Rinse the seeds with milk or water. You will nottice that they look like small cauliflowers.

Kefir seeds inside the bottle with milk

3. Strain them well and put them in the sterilized big jar. 
4. For 1/2 a cup of seeds, add 1 litre of milk. You can use any kind of milk you prefer: ful fat, low fat, cows, goats or sheeps milk, even coconut milk! 

kefir seeds inside milk

5. Close firmly the jar and let it out of the fridge, in a cool place away from direct sunlight, for 24-72 hours, without moving it or shaking the jar. The more you let it outside the fridge, the stronger and thicker it becomes..

Watch the entire procedure with all the details in the following video: 

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